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2012-8-2 至 2012-8-3  上海      授课讲师Andy
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学习费用: 4200 元/位
培训对象: 对该课程感兴趣的学员

2012.8.2-3  上海

价格:4200/人(注,费用包括服务如下:参会,会议资料、午餐 ,茶歇)



在此背景和前提下,我们发起了“企业培训成果转换论坛”,将邀请来自GE, 辉瑞制药,IBM和宝洁公司等最优实践的标杆企业代表分享在培训成果转化流程中的实操案例,另外携手国际一流的咨询公司展示培训成果转化的具体方法以及实施工具。希望可以帮助企业增强培训投资回报率,提高员工工作绩效从而使企业提升其核心竞争力,在市场中立于不败之地。

第一天 培训成果转化案例分析
Day One Learning Transfer Case Study
08:30—09:00 签到 Registration
09:00—10:00 企业培训成果转化----从课堂到工作
What is learning transfer?
The necessary and importance for learning transfer to enterprise
The elements which influence the enterprise learning transfer
Tea Break
Focusing on Post-course Planning and Learning Transfer-- GE’s Course Design Case Study
Comparing with the traditional course design, GE’s course designing pay more attention toward post-course planning and development. In its course design, it add to a series of follow-up activities, detailed action plan and on-job practice so as to keep the results of learning experience and improve the learning transfer obviously. In this case, you will understand the “complete learning experience” course design method and its plan of learning transfer
The Application of Tutorial System and Coaching System on Learning Transfer--- Leadership Development learning transfer at Pfizer
辉瑞制药的领导力发展培训项目的设计和应用不仅仅在课堂上取得了成功,而且在课堂培训结束后让主管和直线经理作为学员主要的指导者和反馈者参与到培训成果转化的过程中,促使学员在工作中把所学的技能和知识得到充分的应用和锻炼。在这一案例分享中,您将了解到辉瑞制药是如何完善教练制/导师制的培训体系以及如何通过教练制提升员工绩效的实操经验。Pfizer has been successfully designing and deploying Leadership Development that does not end at the classroom door, but also let supervisors or line managers as guiders and respondents to participate in learning transfer after class to improve trainees applying and practicing their learning knowledge and skills. In this case, you will explore the Pfizer way to perfect tutorial system and coaching system.
12:00—14:00 午宴 Luncheon
14:00—14:45 学习条件与环境支持促使培训成果转化---IBM全球化协作学习模式分享
Performance Support Improving Learning Transfer--- IBM’s Global Collaborative Learning Ways
Company will provide trainees with learning platform; give trainees learning authorization and career planning to encourage their learning motivation and strength learning achievement so as to improve learning transfer. In IBM case, you can understand the application of collaborative learning platform for learning transfer.
14:45—15:30圆桌讨论: 如何营造培训成果转化的氛围和环境
Roundtable Discussion:How to build up the atmosphere and environment of learning transfer
The function and meaning of line manager and enterprise manager in learning transfer
15:30—15:45 茶歇及交流时间
Tea Break
The Evaluation Method and Examination System of Training Effect---P&G’s Training Effect Evaluation Case Study
在宝洁公司的案例分享中,您会了解到宝洁公司关于培训效果评估的具体实施方法和训后跟踪体系的建设以及它们对培训成功转化的影响和作用。In P&G’s Case, you will understand the detailed implementing way and post-course tracing system construction. Furthermore, you will explore their influence and function toward learning transfer.
The latest application and practice of Learning Platform for the Learning Transfer
IT Solution Company
17:30 晚宴 Dinner
第二天 企业培训成果转换方法分享和应用解析(专题分享)
Day Two Introduction and Application Analysis of learning transfer (workshop)

09:00—09:45 D1----Define Business Outcomes(定义企业获益)
D1 is to clearly define the business outcomes expected from each and every learning initiative. It increases the adults’ learning motivation to learn and underscore the importance of making sure that there is open, transparent, and readily apparent alignment between needs of the business and the goals of learning initiatives. It emphasizing the understanding of training value chain and seizing the crucial problems.
09:45—10:00 
10:00—11:00 
D2--Design the Complete Experience(设计完整的培训体验)
 除正式培训之外,培训之前的准备工作和培训之后学员的学习规划对于培训效果的影响同样非常重要,他们共同组成一个完整的学员学习体验。传统上的教学设计和学习组织主要聚集在“课程”——教学的时间和方法,对教学之前的准备阶段,教学之后的培训成果转化以及评估很少给予注意。D2 阶段强调的是培训项目的“环境”——是将教学之前和之后的部分作为正式的设计内容,关注对学习者在正式课程开始前的学习体验以及课程结束后学员的上级经理及工作环境对培训成果转化的影响及作用。Converting learning into business results is a process, not a one - off event. Historically, instructional design systems and corporate learning organizations focused primarily on “the course” — the period and method of instruction — with relatively little attention paid to what happened before and, especially, after the instruction. D2 emphasize the “surround” —what happens before and after training — is as important as the instruction itself in determining the outcome. A complete experience —from the participants’ points of view, the learning experience begins long before the formal course. It ought also to continue long afterward, until they have improved their performance and produced results.

D3-- Deliver for Application(培训成果的传递应用)
 只有当培训被应用的时候,才会创造价值。高影响力的培训项目是那些推动工作应用的项目。D3的核心是:设计者如何让培训项目与员工的工作密切结合;如何使用多元化的教学方法,技术和支持策略来加速培训成果转换。因此,在这一环节中,更多内容是探求培训难以忘记的原因,绘制培训价值链,监控培训项目的实用程度,从而让学员明白“我将从中获得什么”以便帮助他们准备在职应用的计划。
High - impact learning programs is that they are delivered to facilitate application. The instructional designers consciously select learning strategies that help participants bridge the learning - doing gap. Third Discipline is the principle that learning creates value only when it is applied; therefore, the way in which learning is delivered should reflect and facilitate the way in which it will be used.
12:30 午宴
14:00—15:00 D4-- Drive Learning Transfer(培训成果的促使转化)
学习转化是将学习纳入工作,提高业绩的过程。它不单单是学员的个别行为,在其背后有一整套的激励与管理制度在支持它的运作。D4提炼了有效学习转化系统的六大关键因素:教学后的学员培训规划,提醒和强化培训成果,学员使命感,经理的教练式管理, 公司条件支持以及培训效果评估等。
Learning transfer is the process of putting learning to work in a way that improves performance. It is not the individual initiative, it also has a whole encouragement and management system to support its operation.D4 indicates that an effective learning transfer management process has six elements: a schedule of events for the post-course period, reminders, accountability, feedback and coaching, performance support and finish line.
15:00—16:00 D5-- Deploy Performance Support(提供条件支持)
 学员新知识和技能在工作中的应用需要上级经理的指导和企业的支持。D5强调如何在教学后配置了大量随时支持,例如学员直线经理的教练式管理,同事的分享、支持和鼓励,与高层经理一起营造的学习氛围等。这是一个从单纯的课程培训过渡到员工独立应用的过程,从而更有利于培训成果的有效转化。D5 deploy various forms of ongoing performance support after the instruction. They work with senior leaders to develop a culture in which managers understand that they have a responsibility to support learning. This is an process from pure course training to staff independent application so as to improve learning transfer.
16:00—16:15 茶歇及交流时间 Tea Break
D6-- Document Results(培训成果转化的制度化考核)
 D6作为整个流程中的最后一环同时也是下一个流程的起点,它对D1所阐述的问题进行了一个很好的总结和解答——培训使企业获益了吗?它值得企业投资吗?在D6中,培训成果制度化考核通过确立考核内容,设计考核流程,收集分析数据,报告培训成果考核发现以及实施持续改进从而帮助企业不断改进其培训的有效性和效率,保持实效性和有效性。
As the final process and the beginning of next circulation, D6 answered about any learning and development initiative are these: Did it achieve the results for which it was designed? Was it worth it? D6 provide guiding principles for program evaluation and advice on what to measure, how to collect and analyze the information, and, especially important, how to market the results so as to keep training effectiveness.

Andy Jefferson
首席执行官/Fort Hill Company
畅销书“The 6Ds of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn Training and Development into Business Results”以及“Getting Your Money’s Worth from Training and Development”的作者。