
当前位置: 企业公开课 > 职场培训 > 演讲口才


时间地点: 2014-12-4 至 2014-12-5  北京      授课讲师专家   学习费用: 5390 元/位

2014-05-08至2014-05-09【上海】    2014-07-03至2014-07-04【成都】  
2014-07-10至2014-07-11【上海】    2014-08-11至2014-08-12【北京】  
2014-09-22至2014-09-23【上海】    2014-12-04至2014-12-05【北京】  

培训对象: Professionals who must speak in front of groups, make presentations or sell ideas to others in Engli



Designed for anyone who must address meetings or make presentations and needs to build skills and confidence.
Participants will be given a systematic methodology for giving winning presentations. They will learn how to plan, prepare and deliver presentations using proven techniques for retaining audience attention. The importance of non-verbal communication is looked at, and they will also learn how to select the right visual aids to ensure the message of their presentation is memorable.

@ 对于此次培训感觉受益颇多,学习到了关于演讲的很多技巧,在自信心方面有了很大提高;在与听众进行沟通方面也有很大提高,很不错;讲师准备的教材非常有用。

@ 讲师很有耐心,让我提高了用英文发言的勇气!我现在对用英文演讲更有信心,找到一些思路了。

@ 老师讲课很有感染力,且有针对性的给予每位学员改进建议,帮助学员成长。感觉收获丰富,有机会会再参加其他课程。
